Course Registration

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Deliverance Through Redemption (Fall 2023)
Sale Price:$50.00 Original Price:$100.00

Join BBA for this eight-week live course with Dr. Nana Antwi, Deliverance Through Redemption.

This is an essential course for new and seasoned Christians. God’s purpose through the message of Jesus Christ is to redeem us and give us an imperishable inheritance in His Kingdom. Yet, many Christians are not experiencing the reality of living in the Kingdom of God due to partial knowledge of redemption. This course offers you the opportunity to embark on a systematic study of redemption that will transform your life. Through learning and applying the complete message about Jesus Christ, you will be equipped to experience true deliverance, appropriate the benefits of the Kingdom, and discover intimacy with a loving God in your everyday life. It will be delivered through lectures and seminar-style discussions, held Saturday mornings online.

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Payment and Refunds:

Payment for the course is required upon registration. This course is considered ‘launch-pricing’ and will likely not be this low again.

After the first two weeks of the course are completed, should you not find the value you expected to receive, you may be eligible for a 50% refund of your purchase price. Please contact us for more information.